Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Blog

Well this is my first blog,

I am currently a uni student at CSU in Wagga Wagga. I am studying Animation and minoring in Photography. Facebook seems to be a great way of getting to know people so if you want to know more just click HERE.

Google is pretty mad and reliable.
I prefer Gmail to any other email service because it is easier to use, it allows more storage which continues to grow, it is pretty user friendly and it is alot sleeker looking!
I use iGoogle as my homepage at home, it allows you to customise this page to themes which are in interest to you such as World of Warcraft and Zelda themes, the only downside is that it can you log out and you have to re-log into to gmail to get your theme and features back up. These other features include a large list of things such as calandar, news updayes, weather reports, youtube clips and so on.
I use Google Translate when i'm looking at manga and anime sites which come from japan, its a pretty handy feature.
I think nearly everyone uses Google Images as its a great resource and a fun pastime... you just have to make sure not to write anything too suss or some interesting pictures may come up :P
Google documents is a great idea and i hadn't realised the feature existed until i learnt it in class. The fact that you can invite people in and interact is a great idea.
Overall i think Google is great!


  1. Hey hey hey! Becky, its Mazzy from MPI104!!!!
    And thus, a comment was made

  2. hey becky! Its the other Becky from animation! And now that is my comment done too :D

  3. Heyo Beck, hope you're doing well in class and I'll seeya in the workshop later.
